Emotion Code Sessions
What is Emotion Code Therapy?
At Rewrite Your Story, I offer a specialized emotional release therapy called the Emotion Code. This transformative healing method detects and releases negative emotions stored in the subconscious mind, some of which can date back to when you were in your mother's womb. These trapped emotions can lead to various issues, including physical pain, self-sabotage, emotional problems, and conditions such as anger, depression, chronic fatigue, PTSD, phobias, and panic attacks.
The Emotion Code identifies and addresses up to 60 negative emotions. Your subconscious mind serves as a blueprint for your entire body, holding detailed information about you and the reasons behind your specific conditions and behaviors. By accessing and clearing these trapped emotions, Emotion Code Therapy helps you achieve emotional and physical well-being.
What Are Trapped Emotions?
Trapped emotions are negative energies from past events or traumas that remain in your body. They can cause various issues, including health problems, relationship difficulties, and feelings of loneliness. These emotions, made of energy, can affect physical tissues and organs, leading to pain and malfunction.
They also influence your thoughts, choices, and reactions. Think of them as energy balls stuck in the body, vibrating at different frequencies based on the emotion. They can disrupt your overall balance and health. Each trapped emotion is identified and released individually. Releasing them helps balance your body and can alleviate physical and emotional issues using the Emotion Code.
Causes & Symptoms of Trapped Emotions
Loss of a loved one
Divorce or relationship problems
Miscarriage or abortion
Home, work, or chronic stress
Financial hardship or physical illness
Internalizing your feelings
Self-sabotage or low self-esteem
Negative self-talk/beliefs about self/others
Physical, mental, or emotional trauma
Rejection, betrayal, or abandonment
Physical, verbal, or sexual abuse; neglect
PTSD / and traumatic event
How Are Trapped Emotions Released?
Trapped emotions are released remotely through a simple 4-step system:
1. Discover · I connect with your subconscious mind, which knows what your body needs to achieve balance in physical, emotional, environmental, spiritual, and intellectual areas.
2. Identify · Using specific questioning, emotion charts, and muscle testing, I identify imbalances and trapped emotions affecting your health.
3. Release · The Emotion Code technique uses therapeutic magnets and ancient medicine principles to clear trapped emotions from your body.
4. Empower · Magnetic energy helps restore balance. Freed from emotional traumas, you may experience immediate or gradual benefits in your health and well-being.
All these steps are conducted remotely, ensuring a convenient and effective healing process.
Will I feel the emotional release?
You might feel various sensations as trapped energy moves out of your body. These can include yawning, chills, nausea, headaches, burping, or a surge from the center to the hands and feet. It varies for each person. Sometimes, you may directly feel the emotion being released, like anger or sadness, while other times, you may not feel anything at all, which is normal.
What happens after releasing trapped emotions?
Your body knows how many trapped emotions it can release and in what order. During your session I'll help determine this based on your body's responses.
What About Children?
Children Get Trapped Emotions, Too!
It's a common misconception that emotional release therapy is only for adults. However,children face their own set of challenges and emotions that they may need help with. The Emotion Code addresses these imbalances, whether they are physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual.Children and teens can experience issues such as self-esteem or social challenges, fear, chronic illness, body image issues, abuse, depression, struggling at school, and many more. Even those without outward imbalances can benefit from energy healing sessions to maintain a healthy energy field. Sessions can identify trapped emotions in children, often originating from experiences during pregnancy, birth, or various stages of their lives. These trapped emotions can impact their behavior, learning, and relationships.
Emotional release therapy offers benefits for the whole family, improving family dynamics and overall well-being. It's a worthwhile investment in your family's health and happiness.
What Clients Are Saying About Emotion Code Sessions
" I had a wonderful experience with Krista. She was able to release emotions within my body. I woke up the next morning feeling so peaceful. I can not recommend this enough. It is just amazing!"
"It’s amazing the emotions that came up for both myself and my daughter. Things made so much sense and the sessions really helped my daughter with her behavior issues."